21 Day Meditation Experience: Desire and Destiny – Day 12 Inspired Me

Yesterday, Deepak Chopra provided us with a guided imagery as a prelude to the meditation we would do for Day 11.  Guided imagery is a mind-body intervention that helps to evoke and generate mental images that simulate or re-create the sensory perception of sights, sounds, tastes, smells, movements, and images associated with touch, such as texture, temperature, and pressure, as well as imaginative or mental content that a person experiences as defying conventional sensory categories, and that may precipitate strong emotions or feelings in the absence of the stimuli to which correlating sensory receptors are receptive.   As you already experienced, yesterday, it is a gentle but powerful technique that focuses and directs the imagination in proactive, positive ways.

For day 12, its time to act and begin to understand how actions impact the realization of dreams.  When action is inspired from your true self it comes from a divine place that is supported by energy that helps us move towards our intention.  Let’s breathe as deep as you can!

Day 12 – Inspired Me

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ― Theodore Roosevelt


I am inspired. I am unstoppable.


Om Varunam Namah (My actions are in alignment with cosmic law.)

Message of the Day

When we choose to follow our hearts, we make life choices that seemingly open doors for us without force, and are then aligned with our inner knowing. The path is revealed with ease. Other times, we may “over-think” our decisions, choosing the guidance of the mind over the messages of the heart.  In these moments, our paths may become filled with obstacles that hinder us at nearly every turn.

In today’s meditation, we connect deeply with our hearts, our most trustworthy inner guidance system. As we relax into our heart-center, we access the wisdom of the whole universe and the blueprint for true happiness. The invitation is to silence the chatter – to gently release thoughts, judgments, distractions, and pressures – in order to truly hear our heart’s desires and messages. Only then can we source our inner inspiration and realize not only our dreams, but our destinies.

Reflect in Journal Questions:

  1. When we force an action in hopes of creating an outcome we desire, we can actually block ourselves from magnificent possibilities. Reflect on a time where you forced action. What cues did your body, mind, and spirit give you along the way? As you begin to get in tune with and listen to your inner cues, you begin to transform your life.
  2. Describe your most memorable experience of receiving, listening, and responding to your inner knowing. What cues or intuitive responses do you receive that let you know you are in the flow of right action?
  3. What are you grateful for today?
  4. Reflect further on your experience today.

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