21-Day Meditation Experience: Desire and Destiny – Day 4 Conscious Me

In the Roadmap to meditation prep e-book that was sent prior to the start of this 21 Day Meditation Experience, I really enjoyed the explanation of how vision boards work. A vision board is a tangible presentation of the vision you have for yourself.  The more you surround yourself with what you want to experience, the more likely it is that you will obtain it.  So, if you create a display for yourself that depicts your vision of your desires and look at it all the time you will continue to think about it and manifest it.  But remember to think of it in the positive and be careful not to be negative – such as thinking about how you don’t have those things – because that negative thought will give you more of just that.  Look at your vision board and imagine the feeling of already having those things that you put on your board.   I encourage you to try vision boarding while on this journey with me.  I may try to share my board eventually.

Today we focus on becoming conscious about what we already have and knowing that there is plenty for all of us.

Day 4 – Conscious Me

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.” ― Marcel Proust


Abundance surrounds me.


Aham Brahmasmi (I am the universe.)

Message of the Day

All around us are messages that lead us to believe our lives are ones of scarcity and lack, and that competition with one another is the only way we can truly succeed. However, when we begin to witness the true abundance of the world – whether standing in the middle of a majestic forest or scanning the shelves at the grocery store – we come to understand that the entire universe presents itself to us and is ours to enjoy.

In order for us to truly experience everything the world has to offer, we must first come to appreciate all that we already have. By being truly grateful, we open the door to all the power, wisdom, and creativity of the universe, connecting ever more deeply with pure consciousness and its ability to usher anything we can envision into our lives.

Reflect in Journal Questions:

  1. In what areas of your life do you compare yourself to others or compete? How does it feel? What is the inner dialogue or limiting belief that ignites competition and comparison in your life? After writing, spend time with the feelings and sensations connected to your written thoughts. Breathe in deeply and as you exhale, send yourself love and light. As your self-awareness expands, you are presented with the opportunity to practice a new way of being.
  2. Write an affirming supportive letter to yourself, one that reminds you of all that you have to share with the world – your strengths, values, gifts, talents, and successes. As you celebrate yourself, you make space to celebrate others.
  3. What are you grateful for today?
  4. Reflect further on your experience today.

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