Day 12 – Living Manifestation
“Without desires and dreams, your thoughts do not matter.” — Stephen Richards
Message of the Day
These last three meditations have given us the key ingredients for manifesting our desires with awareness that is unbounded, focused, and fluid. This constitutes the art of conscious desiring. When we use this process to manifest our desires, we are supporting our intention from its beginning to its final fulfillment. With this constant connection to the source of infinite energy within, our wishes can be realized easily, without strain or effort. In today’s meditation, we will begin to experience how the dynamic creativity of our awareness effortlessly moves our thoughts toward fulfillment. If we use any mental strain or effort trying to manifest our intentions, it doesn’t help – the tension will only delay and constrict the manifestation of desire.
I manifest desire easily and naturally.
Samyama Hum
My consciousness is both active and silent.
Journal Questions
“We have been approaching the technique of manifesting our desires as a special set of instructions to follow in meditation. But that is not our final aim. Over time, we become proficient in desiring from this flexible and focused state of unbounded awareness until this becomes our natural mode of thinking in daily life. This is the state of consciousness we are born to have – the fully developed state of natural human awareness. Write down how this compares with the view of human potential you were taught growing up.”
“Looking at manifesting desires as a conscious lifestyle, we can see that there are some habits that are conducive to this lifestyle and some that aren’t. For example, the habit of meditating in the morning and enjoying a healthy breakfast sets the intention for a day of nourishment and ease. But the habit of rushing out the door in the morning and eating breakfast in the car, or not at all, sets the trajectory for a hectic, stressful day. Make a short list of habits that promote a life of easy manifestation of desires, and those that don’t.”
“Using your list of habits that don’t foster a lifestyle of manifesting easily, write the underlying belief that holds that behavior in place. For example, you might have the habit, “When a friend tells me about their great new job, my first response is, ‘It’s not really as great as they say, and it probably won’t last.’” The underlying belief may be, “Life is a chaotic struggle, and you should expect disappointment.” Now go back and ask if you really know whether those beliefs are true, and whether they are really helping you. Consider letting go of the beliefs that are no longer serving you.”
Reflect further on today.