“Let everything happen to you, beauty and terror. Just keep going.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
Day 14 – How to Let Life Flow
I let my life flow without resistance.
Aham Brahmasmi
This mantra affirms the universality of your individuality. It means, “I am the wholeness of existence; my consciousness is the same as the consciousness of the universe.” This mantra affirms that the true nature of the self is the wholeness of the universe. Your Being resonates as the truth of cosmic existence.
Message of the Day
Today’s meditation is about learning to let your life flow without resistance or effort. Living in the flow is not something you figure out, or practice to get right. Living in the flow is a state of consciousness; it is the natural consequence of being self-aware in the moment. In that state of expansive, open, accepting awareness there is no feeling of lack or sense of threat. So there is no need to defend yourself, be aggressive, or resist in order to feel safe and complete. To live in the present is to flow with the universe.
Would you happen to have the “journal questions” for days 14, 15 & 16?
I would greatly appreciate it if you could email to me!
I’m looking for ‘journal questions’ for day 13. I would be very grateful if you could email to me!