“Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.” – Ida Scott Taylor McKinney
Day 6 – The Benefits of Present-Moment Awareness
I am present to receive the gifts of life.
Om Shreem (I invoke the archetype of beauty, gratitude, and generosity.)
Message of the Day
Living in the present moment isn’t just good advice, it’s important to recognize that the present is the only place that living really happens. We can’t have creative and inspired thoughts if our mind is held back by guilt, regret, and pain from the past. We are not going to be open to the possibilities and beauty around us if we are anxious and fearful of the future.
Today’s meditation shows us that the benefit of present-moment awareness is in living life fully, with creativity, joy, love, and fulfillment.
Journal Questions
- What takes you out of present-moment awareness? List the three most common things, such as too many interruptions, demands from others, stressful surroundings, multitasking, a noisy workplace, being overloaded at work, worry, or too many distractions around you.
- In light of Question 1, write down a few steps you can take to reduce these negative influences, such as shutting out noise with earbuds, doing only one task at a time, taking time to center yourself when daily stress mounts, or reducing work overload.
- You are present when you are tuned in. Journal about three things that naturally tune you in, making you feel aware and alive. For example, listening to great music, reading poetry, Tai Chi, or being in nature. Now consider how you can make more time for these things, and write down a few possibilities.
- Reflect further on your experience today.