Creating Peace from the Inside Out: The Power of Connection – Day 2 Ideal Relationships and Where They Come From

Today’s meditation makes me think about the law of attraction. You attract and gravitate to what you feel or are. So, if you love yourself and feel loved, you will find love and be loved. What you are is what you get.


Day 2 – Ideal Relationships and Where They Come From

My relationships begin within, through love and caring for myself.

Karuna Hum (I am compassion..)

In today’s meditation, we learn that ideal relationships are based on how we relate and connect to our core self. To feel loved, respected, cared for, and close to others, we must find and feel those values for ourselves first. All that we seek in relationships will only be found if we start by knowing and actualizing love in our own being.

Journal Reflection Questions:

1. Reflecting on how you relate to family, friends, and coworkers, outline three qualities that define successful connection to you. For example: empathy, shared likes and dislikes, similar values, respect, etc. For each of these qualities, reflect upon whether you give other people those same things.
2. Again thinking about your family, friends, and co-workers, write down the things that really push your buttons and cause a lack of peace and connection. These could be disrespect, controlling behavior, negativity, clinging, etc. Now consider how you, from your side, can overcome this disconnect. Instead of fighting against the qualities you dislike, journal about the positive qualities you can bring out to create a connection, such as listening more, respecting other people’s opinions, or offering appreciation and approval.
3. Think about someone you’d like to connect with but haven’t yet. Describe a gesture you can make towards them the next time you see them that is comfortable for you and may also bring about a connection. These could be things like lending a helping hand, voicing your appreciation, or simply offering a smile.
4. Reflect further on your experience today.

“For I no sooner in my heart divin’d my heart, which by a secret harmony still moves with thine, joined in connection sweet.” – John Milton

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