Creating Peace from the Inside Out: The Power of Connection – Day 21 Love Is the Eternal Connection

We have arrived on the 21st day of this 21 Day Meditation Experience. As the final days of Creating Peace from the Inside Out: The Power of Connection beckon upon us, we have discovered the power of connections and opened to our true selves. As we discover our true selves, each experience of peace and intimacy in relationships brings awareness and allows us to become an agent of change. In our third week, we learned that making wider and deeper intentions allows them to ripple out to touch more people. Hence, we are able to create a connected world. Today, if you allow yourself to be open to what you love, you will only open to your true self and create eternal connections.


Day 21 – Love Is the Eternal Connection

The connections I create are loving ones.

Aham Prema (I am love.)

As consciousness continues to grow and our hearts make more and more connections to other hearts, we find that we are indeed radiating peace from the inside out. Looking more closely, we discover that these waves of peace are also waves of unconditional love, and that pure love is the spiritual heartbeat that connects us all.

Today’s meditation tells us that this love is the driving force of all life. To awaken to this truth within us is our purpose and our promise.

Journal Reflection Questions:

1. Reflect on your willingness to replace non-love with love – both within yourself and with others. Observe and journal about the feelings that come up when you say, “I deserve my love.” These can be positive or negative feelings; just let them be whatever they are without judgment. Describe one thing you can do today to show yourself the love you deserve, such as cooking yourself a delicious, healthy meal with your favorite foods or spending time in your favorite place.
2. When you have love for yourself, it expands like a ripple to everyone you meet. As a second part of the exercise, visualize any person that comes to mind, whether in your personal life or in the outside world. Observe the feelings that come up when you say, “_______ deserves my love.” Sit and watch the feeling rise and fall. Journal about your feelings on each person before proceeding to the next. When you are finished, go back through your list and for each person say in a quiet inner voice, “I send the healing of love. I give this love freely, without conditions.” How did this make you feel? Were you able to send love easily, or did you feel some hesitation?
3. Finally, visualize your community, then your country, and lastly the world. Journal about what comes up when you say, “My community/country/world deserves my love.” What are your feelings about the state each of these are in? Where do you see that healing is needed? By beginning the spread of love, you become a unit of peace consciousness, affirming your role as a healer.
4. Reflect further on your experience today.

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi

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